According to the Eating Recovery Center, "The latest statistics indicate that more than 30 million people in the U.S. will suffer from an eating disorder". Not only do eating disorders effect this many people, but "Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness". I do not put these facts here to make anyone feel guilty, but rather bring attention to a matter that is too often and far too long over looked. The stigma behind eating disorders is, in my opinion, still incredibly large in society and equally as dangerous. Eating disorders should be talked about as much as other mental illnesses, rather than only being a punch line in a joke or talked about in passing. People talk about weight and body image in a perpetually unhealthy way, let's correct this. I put these stats here not only to bring attention to them, but most importantly to share that there is hope and that recovery is possible. According to this same site, "up to 80 percent of patients who receive and complete treatment will recover or improve significantly".
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