I imagine grief like the ocean. Let's be honest, the ocean can be a big and scary place at times. When the storm first hits, it can feel as though the waves are 100 feet tall, and you're in the eye of a hurricane. The waves keep coming, and quite frankly you may not even realize everything going on because you're are struggling to simply breath or stay afloat. Then maybe there is some time between the waves. They still may feel just as tall and powerful, but in between you are holding on to anything and everything you can: that being memories or even a type of coping you are using (unhealthy or healthy) at the time. The waves can come at what feels like any time because they are being triggered by different events or feelings. It can be the smallest thing, and suddenly you feel underwater again. However, life is still going on between these waves. It may feel like you are going to be in the ocean forever; and this may sound weird, but my goal is not to get you out of the ocean all together, but rather equip you to handle the waves and decrease their height little by little. You are not alone in your ocean. Everyone experiences grief differently and on a different time table. I am here to help you figure out what that may look like for you.
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